Slow Motion Magazine - Issue #2

Oct 28, 2019
Many of our customers tell us that cycling – for leisure rather than hurtling Lycra-clad towards a finish line – epitomises the ideals and experiences they treasured when they were younger: freedom, adventure, possibility, friendship, fresh air and simple pleasures – pleasures that don’t involve clicking a ‘like’ button on a screen.

We discovered a groundswell of appreciation and desire for this kind of slower, simpler lifestyle. And so ‘Slow Motion’ was born. Slow Motion isn’t exclusively about leisure cycling. It encompasses any idea or pastime that involves decelerating and opening our senses fully to the people, places and experiences around us.

The benefits are numerous and well-documented: improved health and a longer life, better relationships, deeper friendships, enhanced sensual experiences, improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and more patience, tolerance and general enjoyment of life.

So slow down, for goodness’ sake, and enjoy the read!

Slow Motion Issue 2 Mock Up

Issue #2 of Slow Motion will be releasing in early November. If you'd like to get your mitts on a copy, send us an email - - with your first and last name, as well as your postal address and we'll get one on the way as soon as they're ready. 

[Sorry international friends. Free postage is only within New Zealand]

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