Life in Slow Motion

When we established Blackwell and Sons and began selling magnificent hand-built Pashley bicycles, which are built for style, reliability and comfort rather than blinding speed, something very interesting happened.

We saw how highly our customers value an uncomplicated, gentler-paced, cycling lifestyle. We listened as they told us how their bicycles serve as perfect foils for the non-stop, instant-gratification, act-now demands of modern living.

In our customers’ eyes, cycling – for leisure rather than hurtling towards a finish line – epitomised many of the ideals and experiences they treasured when they were young: freedom, adventure, possibility, friendship, fresh air and simple pleasures.

The more we discussed it, the more we discovered a groundswell of desire for this kind of slower, simpler lifestyle. And so ‘Slow Motion’ was born.

Slow Motion isn’t exclusively about cycling. It encompasses any idea or pastime – from preparing and consuming locally sourced food, to walking, gardening, reading, writing by hand or simply breathing in nature – that involves decelerating and opening our senses fully to the people, places and experiences around us.

All of these activities involve breaking away – temporarily at least – from the demands of phones and devices. Slow Motion isn’t a rejection of technology. We love tech and openly embrace its capabilities and possibilities. But when it completely dominates our existence, much is lost.

The multiple benefits of a gentler, more appreciative lifestyle are well-documented: Improved health and a longer life, better relationships, deeper friendships, improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and more patience, tolerance and general enjoyment of life.

You’ll be seeing, hearing and reading more about Slow Motion as we develop our magazine (linked below) to share ideas and stories. So, breathe deeply … and slow down! You can also read some Slow Motion wisdom in our seasonal mouthpiece Blackwell Bugle.